A visit to our Sidmouth sanctuary was the cause for much celebraytion for one couple who recently got engaged alongside some of the resident herd.

When Steve Wright and his fiancée Tracy Cooke were visiting the sanctuary for the day, Steve sensed the timing was right and got down on one knee to pop the question in the beautiful spring sunshine – and Tracy accepted his proposal.

Tracy and her daughter Aimee had visited the sanctuary before during a week’s holiday in Devon, and had adopted donkeys Ashley and Drizzle, who live at our Sidmouth sanctuary.

The couple, who both have a love of donkeys, went to find their adopted pair and see if they could get a photo with some of the resident donkeys. Just as Steve was thinking his plan to propose with the donkeys in the background was not going to work, a small group moved in close behind them. Seizing the moment, Steve asked a man standing next to them with his dog if he’d take a photo on his phone, then got down on one knee next to Tracy.

Steve said: “Tracy has always said I had to propose properly – on one knee and somewhere meaningful and romantic. Not something I'm good at! 

“As some of the donkeys moved in behind us, everything fell into place perfectly. I thanked the man, who captured the moment and took some great pictures, but I was so nervous about the whole thing I didn't get his name. I was so grateful to him.”

Steve proposing to Tracy at our Sidmouth sanctuary
Steve and Tracy after the proposal
Tracy meeting the resident herd

Steve and Tracy took the opportunity to visit our sanctuary in East Devon after taking Steve’s mother Dorothy for a weekend away in Wellington, Somerset. Following the proposal, they visited the sanctuary’s Gift Shop, where Dorothy bought the couple an adoption of Percy. Gift Shop staff were surprised and excited to hear that the couple had got engaged just ten minutes earlier at the sanctuary.

Steve and Tracy met 11 years ago while rehearsing and performing in their village drama group’s panto in Winterbourne Dauntsey near Salisbury. Steve, who works as a tractor driver for a local agricultural contractor, wanted to make sure he chose the perfect place for his proposal, and as it turned out he couldn’t have made a better choice.

The couple have set a date for their wedding on 19 October. Tracy will also be 60 in October, and Steve turns 65 a month later, and they plan to combine their celebrations with a big party with family and friends.

Steve added: “We love donkeys, and all The Donkey Sanctuary stands for, and after Tracy had been quite passionate about her original visit, I just had to see it for myself.

“Just being at the sanctuary for a few minutes, I loved it. The donkeys, the unbelievable sunny weather and the kind gentleman who took our photo just at the right time made it perfect.”