As we move forward in building on our existing educational materials, we would like to be aware of gaps in knowledge and the demand for donkey-specific information. 

Completion of this survey will also allow us to identify need and also to determine preferred methods for learning; be it books, apps or webinars, or even something new.

We will also use your data to enable us to analyse and understand what practices/organisations/professionals are engaged in working with donkeys and mules and what the geographical spread of professional engagement is.

We would like to be able to contact you with any results from the survey, with relevant results from research and any new material for training or professional development.

Which donkey and mule related topics of educational materials would you be interested in?
Were you aware that The Donkey Sanctuary produced educational material?
Have you used The Donkey Sanctuary resources previously?
How would you like to receive educational materials?

Stay informed

We would like to send you information that could help you, as a professional, deliver excellence in donkey care and welfare. If you are happy for us to do this, please let us know below.
If you do not complete this section, we will continue to communicate with you in line with your previous contact choices where we are already holding them.

Your privacy

The Donkey Sanctuary and its charitable and trading subsidiaries will never sell your data. We promise to keep your data safe and secure - see our privacy notice for details about how we will look after your data. If you would like to change how we communicate with you, please call us on 01395 578222.